
Welcome to the Inclusive Teaching Reflective Tools Site

This site has five tools of reflection for teachers to consider their inclusive teaching practice. The five principles that the tools are based on are:

Each of these tools provide a number of examples of inclusive teaching practices and you are provided with a space to note your relationship with that teaching practice: I use this regularly, sometimes, not at all, would like to try – and to add your own notes if you desire. You are are given an opportunity to export your responses to a document for each tool.

Note, that none of the tools collect or store data. You are provided with an option to export your answers as a document or copy the text of your answers. Anything entered in the form will be lost if you leave or refresh the page prior to exporting or copying.

All of the tools on this site are adapted from the Reflecting on Your Practice Applying Inclusive Teaching Principles document from University of Michigan’s Center for Research on Learning and Teaching and their work on Inclusive Teaching.
